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​​​​​​​Support Vinny Diroff and his family during a cancer crisis!

Vinny Diroff, the Lead Teaching Professional at the Landings Club Performance Center, got some bad news recently: His wife Katie has been diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer. Vinny, Katie, and their 4-year-old daughter Aspen, moved the week before last to Michigan, to be near their families while she is receiving care.

Her doctors think that it is treatable, but under the best scenario it will be at least a year of chemotherapy and radiation and, possibly, surgery. That means a loss of income. Katie’s family has set up a Go Fund Me page but the LMGA decided to solicit donations for the Diroffs through our own form here on the LMGA website.

The fundraiser for Vinny and Katie was active from July 17 to July 28 and our members and their friends generously donated nearly $45,000 to help support Vinnie and Katie during their time of need.    

If you didn't get a chance to donate to this fundraiser you can still help Support Katie's Battle against Stage 4 Cancer by clicking the following GoFundMe link: