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2017/07/06 Board Meeting

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Submitted by JeffDeluca on Mon, 08/05/2019 - 17:43

LMGA Board Meeting – July 6, 2017,
3:00 PM – TLC Club Board Room

Members Present:
President – Mr. Siegel
Secretary – Mr. Brennan
Treasurer – Mr. Palermo
Assistant Treasurer- Mr. Brown
LMGA Golf Chair – Mr. Staman
LMGA Golf Co-Chair Mr. Munro
New Neighbors Chair – Mr. Monaco
Technology Committee Chair - Mr. Cunningham
Speaker Series: Mr. Horne
Interclub Chair: Mr. Ura
Marshwood Team Captain – Mr. Hainly
Oakridge Team Captain – Mr. Resler
Plantation Team Captain – Mr. Schmidt
Past President, ex Officio – Mr. Lindenschmidt


1. Call to Order: Mr. Siegel. A quorum was present.
2. President’s Report: Mr. Siegel reported that LMGA is responsible for planning a Pro event in the Fall. It will be an appreciation tournament at Marshwood and Magnolia. There was discussion of a potential driving and putting contest for the Pro’s. Mr. Lindenschmidt suggested a shootout by the Pro’s using carts. There was also discussion of prizes, (probably not monetary), and of inviting families of the Pro’s to attend. The current target is the second week of September. Mr. Sampson will likely be appointed to coordinate the event. Mr. Siegel reminder the Board that the date for the “Par 3’s and “Party” is July 22.
3. Treasurer’s Report: Mr. Brown reported that the “Hole in One” pool will remain as part of the Thursday group and play. He pointed out that there is about $500. in the pool and there are some expenses due. He will explain details at the next Board meeting. Mr. Lindenschmidt pointed out that the bill for pictures in the Mens comfort stations will be approximately $700- $800.
4. LMGA Golf Committee Report : Mr. Staman led a discussion of the format for the B/A Cup finals this year. His current thinking is that it could be the same as last year, but that the Board should discuss potential changes at the next Board Meeting, including discussion of P.O.Y and how to structure it.
5. Membership Committee: There was a discussion of the mentoring of new members and of the necessity of their smoother transition to Teams. Mr. Hainly will examine the population of New Members and send names to appropriate Captains.
6. Technology Committee: No report. LMGA currently has 423 Members. No issues were brought forth by Board members.
7. Speaker Series. Mr. Horne reported that Tim Isely will be the liason between the Club and
8. Inter-Club: Mr. Ura reported that Interclub events will start in December.
9. Club Captains: No report
10. New Business: There is a problem with B/A Cup hats; the “Bouchillon Ambrose” wording does not appear on the back. The Presidents Cup will be held August 25-27, and will be individual competition. Mens Club Championship will be held in November.
11. Next Meeting: August 3, 2017

Adjourned at 4:15pm
Submitted: John Brennan, Secretary