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LMGA Login Assistance

If you're having issues logging in, it's probably due to one or two sources of confusion.

  • You need to be known to the system (and you are, if you are a member of LMGA). If you've received any email from then you are definitely there.
  • You have to set up a password (or set up a new one if you've forgotten your old one)
    • At the login screen, click the link "request new password" under the boxes for user name and password
    • You should then be at a screen with a single box labeled "Username or e-mail address" - you might not be sure of your user name, so the best bet is to use your email address (and if you have more than one, it's the one where you have received email from the system)
    • Enter your email address and click "E-Mail new password"
    • You will receive an email in a few minutes with a one-time link to log you in so you can set up a password - just put in the new password, retype it, and then click "save" at the bottom 
    • Then next time you login, use the USER NAME, along with your password - your email address can only be used to get a new password, not to log in 

    • Finally, the most confusing part of this is: User names have a blank space (for members joining before April 1 2014 - after that, no space)
      • The best way to determine your use name is to go through the password reset process above - put in your email address and you will get an email telling you your user name. If you don't want to reset your password, just ignore the message.
      • So Your User Name is typically your first name, a blank space, and your last name. OR if you joined after April 1 2014, it is your first name, and your last name without a blank space (that space was causing too much confusion, so we eliminated it for new members)
      • It will be in the email you received. As an example, Rich Marr's user name is "Rich Marr" with the space, but no quotes. And note you can only use your email address for resetting password. When you login, you MUST use your user name. We wish it worked differently, but it doesn't, so please check that user name and use it when you login!
  • If you are having difficulty accessing or using the LMGA website, please send an email to  We will do our best to resolve your issue or contact you as soon as possible.