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Landings Team in First Place After Three Interclub League matches

By Rick Colvin

With eight matches left in the 2022-2023 Interclub League, The Landings squad has 151 points for a 6.5-point lead over the 2nd place team of Palmetto Hall.

The 11-match season began Dec. 1 and The Landings has played well in its three outings, finishing in a tie for 2nd place Dec. 5 at Moss Creek, in a tie for 3rd place 1 point off the lead at Hampton Hall, and winning the third match at Sea Pines Dec. 12 by ½ point.

Highlights of the seasons so far include the 12.5-to-5.5 victory by Greg Smith and Peter Altman over their opponents at Moss Creek; David Martin and Robert Jackson winning their match 12-to-5 at Hampton Hall; Dan Smith shot a 77 and, with partner Gary Poleynard, won their match easily at Hampton Hall.

In the most recent match, at Sea Pines, the Landings team won all five of its matches. Bill McCloskey and Scott Stockslager won their match 12-to-6 and Brian Kornblatt and Warren Zeger beat their opponents 11-to-7.

Each of the teams plays 10 four-ball matches, sitting out when the competition is on their home course. At this point in the season, three teams have only played twice.