The following email has been sent to all LMGA members as of July 6, 2015. Attached to this article are the draft bylaws for your review.
Dear Member,
The Board of the Landings Men’s Golf Association, Inc., has approved a number of amendments to the By-Laws for the organization. The current bylaws with the proposed amendments highlighted have been posted on our website and are available for your review. See the home page and look at the list of hot topics. This ought to be at or near the top.
If after your review of the amendments you have any question about the content or intent of these proposed amendments, please feel free to call either:
Rich Marr 310.367-7272; or,
Bob Lindenschmidt 513.507-3035
In accordance with the procedure for amending our bylaws, a special meeting of the LMGA membership will be held to consider the adoption of these amendments. The special meeting will be held on July 30th at the Plantation clubhouse at 1:30 pm, immediately following our normal Thursday game. All members are encouraged to attend.
Rich Marr
President, LMGA