On Monday, May 18th, 40 of us took advantage of an offer from our new Merchant Partner, Savannah Wine Cellar, to sample a selection of their wines at half price during their Monday 5--7pm Happy Hour and, not surprisingly, a good time was had by all. Using individual cards to slot into the wine machines, we selected 1 or 2 ounce pours from more than 3 dozen pre-selected wines priced as low as 91 cents a pour to several dollars per pour at the high end. Again, not surprisingly, some of us were more than content with repeated pours of the 91 cent stuff; others more judiciously sampled the wine from the $50 and $60 bottles, no doubt figuring that it was the only way they'd ever get to try it! Special discounts are available to all LMGA Members, so stop by, say "Hi" to Mike Jaeger and his guys, try some wine and bring home a few bottles of your favorites.