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Team PROGS “A Brand New Game” for LMGA

The game of PROGS* (or, Points Rewarded On Gross Scores) is a familiar one to golf groups here on The Island, but it’s not typically played by LMGA. It’s also a deceptively simple scoring method where, before the round begins, each player’s course handicap is subtracted from an “ideal” par point total of 36, then the remaining points become that player’s scoring goal. A good round meets or exceeds that goal, while a negative score is also possible. Team scores are calculated by adding all players’ PROGS score points together.

This was the scenario for the LMGA outing Feb. 22, and final team scores reflected the challenge. Because some players believe threesomes enjoy a statistical advantage in this type of scoring (an arguable contention), all of the threesomes were grouped to compete together in high- and low-handicap Flights.

Among the threesomes, Flight 1 winners with a team score of two (2) over PROGS included Bill Delaney, John Evans and Mike Allen. Flight 3 winners with 7 over were Tom Richards, Martin Halper and Dale Johnson.

In the foursome groups, Flight 2 winners with 10 under included Grant Buchanan, Bobby Balmes, Larry Baily and Phil Redmond. Flight 4 winners with 2 over were Brad Battista, Maged Khalil, Brian Piening and Sophus Schanche.

Because there is no net-handicap scoring in this game, only gross birdie Skins were awarded. Winners with one each included John Landuyt, Ed O’Donnell, Steve Thomas and Bobby Balmes

*Note: In other playing areas, PROGS is also known by the names Quota and Chicago.