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UPDATE - First 2014 Inter-Club Event - Winners of the Feb 6 Qualifier!

UPDATE  The first LMGA Inter-Club event of 2014 will be a Low Country League match between LMGA and the Wilmington Island Club. This "away" event will be played at the Donald Ross course at Wilmington Island. LMGA will field a team consisting of 3 "A" players, 2 "B" players, 2 "C" players and a TLC Pro. Participants for the event will be chosen based on the LMGA Inter-Club qualifying round on Feb 6 - a part of regularly scheduled LMGA Thuraday play.

UPDATE - scoring for the Feb 6 event is in the file attached (below) - and the team members who will represent the LMGA at Wilminton Island are:

Flight Name Points Team Wilmington Team
A Hughes 24 MW x
A Lautzenhiser 24 MW x
A Gilster 21 Oak x
B McDonald 23 DC x
B Ingham 22 DC x(draw)
B Mulling 22 DC x(draw)
C Boyce 27 Oak x
C Gallagher 27 Oak x