Welcome to the Landings Men's Golf Association, dedicated to improving the golf experience for members of the Landings Club.  Members enjoy weekly, friendly individual and group competitions, participate with their assigned team in the yearlong Bouchillon-Ambrose Cup, have the option of competing in off-island tournaments against other clubs, support Landings Club staff, and assist in keeping our six courses in good condition.   

Latest News - Click an item to see more

Thursday March 10 Bouchillon-Ambrose Cup Matches

Latest Bouchillon-Ambrose Cup Standings After March 10th Matches

February 25th Windy Winners

We had about 60 guys on February 25th in very windy conditions at Oakridge.

February 18th Bouchillon-Ambrose Cup Results and March Schedule

The game was Alternate Shot, which always challenges players, partnerships, and, sometimes, friendships.

February 11th Winners on Plantation

Neither wind, nor frost, nor cold......

While the cat's away.....

January 28th Results

Spring Invitational

The Landings Club and Spring Invitational Committee cordially invite you to participate in the first annual Spring Invitational to be held April 28-30, 2016. Click for full brochure. Registration forms at golf shops; phone or email Ellen Jacobs with questions or to register.

Men's Member-Member Golf Tournament

Men’s Member-Member Golf Tournament on MARCH 18-20 (at Deer Creek, Marshwood & Plantation).  This tournament is a 3 day 2-man team event. Teams will be placed in flights by the total of their combined indexes.  Sign up by March 11th on Club Website at landingsclub.com

Click for Full Tournament Info                   Click for TLC Online Registration Help

January 21st Bouchillon-Ambrose Cup Play

January 21st's game was the Bouchillon-Ambrose Cup.
Marshwood vs Oakridge & Deer Creek vs Plantation.

A Cold Day in.... January 14th Results

44 hearty souls came to play on January 14th even with a slight frost delay.

Super Bowl Scramble Feb 6

Get Ready...Get Set...SCRAMBLE! --

Don't wait - remember last year was an early sell-out event! You can register online via the Club events calendar;
