Welcome to the Landings Men's Golf Association, dedicated to improving the golf experience for members of the Landings Club.  Members enjoy weekly, friendly individual and group competitions, participate with their assigned team in the yearlong Bouchillon-Ambrose Cup, have the option of competing in off-island tournaments against other clubs, support Landings Club staff, and assist in keeping our six courses in good condition.   

Latest News - Click an item to see more

Chip Beck Puts on a Clinic for LMGA members

PGA Pro Chip Beck met with LMGA members on Thursday March 6, 2014 at Marshwood to discuss ways to improve our games. In two clinic sessions over 5 hours he imparted a lot of wisdom and valuable advice!

LMGA Year-Long Ryder Cup Competition

The LMGA will be staging a season-long Ryder Cup Competition that will pit the four teams from the island against one another.  Starting in February the competition will take the form of matches every month ultimately involving all the Ryder Cup-style formats.  

LMGA RYDER CUP CHALLENGE 2014 - All the Details:

UPDATE - First 2014 Inter-Club Event - Winners of the Feb 6 Qualifier!

UPDATE  The first LMGA Inter-Club event of 2014 will be a Low Country League match between LMGA and the Wilmington Island Club. This "away" event will be played at the Donald Ross course at Wilmington Island. LMGA will field a team consisting of 3 "A" players, 2 "B" players, 2 "C" players and a TLC Pro. Participants for the event will be chosen based on the LMGA Inter-Club qualifying round on Feb 6 - a part of regularly scheduled LMGA Thuraday play.

Clyde Johnston To Launch LMGA’s Dinner Speakers Series
The Men’s Golf Association is pleased to announce that Clyde Johnston, the renowned golf course architect, will be the inaugural speaker at the new Dinner Speakers program on February 27.  At the dinner & smoker, Johnston will discuss his plans for redevelopment of Palmetto Golf Course, his approach to course design and renovation, and will offer comments on other Landings golf facilities.
Save the Date - LMGA Masters Celebration

LMGA's Having a Masters Bash - Wednesday April 9 - a members-only 9 Hole Par-3 and a party & Sunday April 13 our own Mens' and Couples Master's Tournament and Viewing Party
UPDATE - Registration's now open - see the "Play!" Calendar

LMGA's 2013 Annual Report

Click the link to see the 2013 Annual Report

LMGA Points Standings


Inter-Club Update

Inter-Club Plans for 2014

The Inter-Club program will be significantly expanded during 2014 ensuring that all those who want to participate will have multiple opportunities to play against other regional clubs both at the Landings and at the other clubs.  The basic guarantee is that if you sign up, you will have the chance to play in one or more Inter-Club matches.

LMGA Announces Valuable Membership Discount Program for Travel and for Meals at Leading Savannah Restaurants

Two significant discretionary purchases made by most LMGA members involve fine dining in downtown Savannah and vacationing around the world. Of course LMGA represents a very attractive demographic for the businesses. In a new effort to capitalize on this and provide additional member value, LMGA has formed partnerships with a number of commercial firms through which members will enjoy significant discounted pricing.

LMGA Bylaws




